Safe Data beschermt de kritieke data van kleine en middelgrote bedrijven op zo’n manier dat de gegevens altijd kunnen worden teruggehaald na onopzettelijk verlies, waardoor gevolgschade wordt voorkomen.

Many companies understand the importance of backing up their data; others unfortunately do not and could face a major data loss in the near future.

Here are 5 key points about data loss:


  1. The average business has about €90.000 worth of computer data. (Shield IT Backup)
  2. Only 23% of businesses backup their data on a regular basis. (2011 SMB Disaster Preparedness Survey)
  3. Every year a SMB tends to experience 6 computer crashes. (2011 SMB Disaster Preparedness Survey)
  4. 1 in every 20 hard drives breaks each year and most hard drives last less than 5 years. (Google hard drive survey)
  5. 40 to 60% of SMBs never recover after major data loss. (FEMA)


These points should give a business owner sufficient reflexion as to whether he needs to backup his critical data or not.

Most companies however use uncertain technology to backup their data. They use USB-sticks, external hard drives – tape drives or NAS-storage. The backup solution implemented is in most cases a local solution. No protection against theft, burglary, fire and water disasters, or against electrical shock due to for example lightning or net flux. These threats are usually devastating to a company’s data and result mostly in loss of critical data, putting pressure on the company’s continuation.

Data is a company’s digital capital and should be backed-up at all times. A good backup solution consists of 2 things: a local backup and an external backup, preferably an encrypted cloud backup.

SafeData delivers the second type of backup; a “professional backup software solution”, developed by top IT-industry leaders, that protects fully automatically all critical data using military grade 256-bit encryption to backup this critical data in the cloud.

The solution is installed and monitored by IT-professionals who can detect problems and find solutions to most IT situations. They are a helping hand and are on stand-by at all times.

They understand that not every business owner has the same IT-skills, but that every business owner nevertheless has important data to protect.

Contact us if you would like to set up a meeting where we will analyse your business data situation and talk about the SafeData Backup Solution.

Please send an e-mail if you like to know more to